Preparation for the Catechetical Mission: This is a comprehensive program offering the methodological, philosophical, and doctrinal topics essential to the teaching of the Faith. Believing that the most significant factor in the catechetical endeavor is the individual catechist passing on the witness of a faith lived out, Franciscan University has committed itself to assisting in the preparation of men and women equal to the task of catechesis. While presenting a systematic doctrinal foundation coming directly from the Catechism of the Catholic Church, this track also includes proven, effective methodologies.

2018 Catechist Track Workshops
Year One

Scripture, the Heart of Catechesis

Prayer: Introduction to the Spiritual Life of the Catechist

The Philosophical Foundations of Catechetics

Jesus: The Christocentricity of Catechesis

The Deposit of Faith: An Introduction to the Catechism

The Church Prays What She Believes: Liturgy in Catechesis

The Ecclesial Method: Opening Souls to the Beauty and Power of God’s Revelation

Year Two

Being Guided and Guiding Souls

The Ten Commandments and the Beatitudes

Introduction to the Old Testament

Introduction to the New Testament

Reality: Epistemology for Catechists

Liturgy and Catechetical Methodology

The Family: Context of Catechesis

Track Presenters