Applications will be closed May 31, 2024 Steubenville Adult Conferences.
No exhibitors allowed at Main Campus Youth Conferences.
Thank you for your interest in exhibiting at our summer Steubenville Adult Conferences, renowned for their vibrant Catholic environment. Priests, lay persons, religious educators, young adults, youth ministers, and religious come to be refreshed, to network, to grow deeper in their faith, and to build ministry skills.
Each Adult Conference has its own specific audience based on their spiritual, formative, and ministry needs. Review the Adult Conferences descriptions to see which one(s) would benefit most from your products or services. (The Priests, Deacons, Seminarians Retreat does not include exhibitors. In consideration of the National Eucharistic Congress this year, we will not hold the St. John Bosco Confernce in 2024.)
The exhibitor tables are strategically located in the most popular area on campus during the conferences: right next to the main coffee shop and Campus Store in the J.C. Williams Center. Here you may distribute free informational material only. No sales or donations may be transacted at exhibitor tables, but you may collect lead information. Only our designated conference partners, St. Paul Center and Nelson’s, may sell products at their tables in the Steubenville Conferences Store. Speakers will be notified directly by the St. Paul Center regarding their book sales and make arrangements in advance.
All approved exhibitors will be listed on the Steubenville Adult Conferences Cell Phone App under the “Exhibitor” tile for all the Adult Conferences.
To reserve a table:
- Please read the exhibitor policies above before submitting your application for table reservation. Applications must be received no later than May 31, 2024.
- Approved exhibitors will have their tables assigned in a way that allows for best visibility for all exhibitors. (We will not allow for large backdrop banners to block other exhibitors from view of conferences’ guests.)
- Submit your application for table reservation no later than May 31, 2024. Your credit card will not be charged until your application is approved. If paying by check, wait for the approval email before mailing in payment. Then mail in check payable to “Franciscan University” to:
Accounts Receivable
Franciscan Center for Evangelization & Renewal
114 Brady Circle East
Steubenville, OH 43952
We hope you can join us and our Adult Conferences guests this year!