The Open Track provides Non-Track participants with additional workshops from which to choose. These workshops will address current issues and trends within the catechetical field, the Church and the world in order to equip the catechist to more effectively proclaim the Gospel in today’s rapidly changing society. These workshops are new each year, and therefore provide participants with excellent opportunities for on-going formation. Also, non-track participants can choose from ANY workshop in ANY track to further customize your conference experience.

2018 Open Track Workshops

Digital Catechesis: Using Tech Tools to Teach Eternal Truths

Living the Renewal in a Parish Setting

Catechesis for Persons with Disabilities

Ministering to People with Same-Sex Attraction

Pastorally Supporting Marriages in a Parish

Crucial Questions in a High School Classroom

The Chief Characteristics of Mentorship in Ministry

Historical/Social Studies and the Catholic Faith

The Method of the Master: Multiplying Discipleship in the Parish

What is the Way Forward for a Diocese, Parish, School, or Family to Develop Counseling Approaches?

Studying and Learning the Catechism of the Catholic Church

The Preventive System of St. John Bosco: Reason, Religion, and Kindness

Spiritual Accountability: The Foundation of Pastoral Accompaniment

Art and Catechesis

Spiritual Warfare

The Four Temperments Applied to Ministry Work

Domestic Church and School of Holiness

Teaching to Pray

How to Avoid Death by Meeting: A Strategy for Healthy Leadership Teams

How to NOT be BORING: Getting Children’s Attention and Keeping It

Track Presenters