Steubenville Ambassadors - Steubenville Conferences


Steubenville Ambassadors

Join our mission to change lives.

Become a Steubenville Ambassador

The mission of the Steubenville Conferences Outreach is to “Go, Rebuild the Church.” Now, more than ever, the Church needs people who are passionately in love with Jesus Christ to draw others into an encounter with his transforming love.

When you bring people to one of our Steubenville Adult Conferences, you create the opportunity for God to work miracles in their lives so that they can join you in bringing renewal to your community. Learn how you can lead others into an amazing encounter with the love of Jesus!

Steubenville Conferences will provide you with all the resources and support you will need. Plus, you and your group will enjoy special perks for an enhanced experience!

  • Media Kit
  • Personal Coach

  • Perks & Rewards

  • Success Plan

What to Expect

Any person who plans on attending an adult conference can serve as a Steubenville Conferences Ambassador. All you need is a desire to renew the Church and the willingness to invest the time to invite others to join your group.

Personal Impact

“It has been a real pleasure and a great personal blessing, to introduce people to the Power and Purpose Conference. To witness the power of the Holy Spirit igniting hearts is hard to put into words, it must be seen to be appreciated.”

—Power & Purpose Ambassador

Parish Impact

“I’ve witnessed increased confidence in parishioners who attended a conference and have been inspired to join a ministry like OCIA, youth ministry, music ministry, Rosary groups, adoration, and catechesis. After joyfully experiencing the Holy Spirit personally and communally, they desire to share his gifts with their community.”

—Defending the Faith Ambassador


Who should apply to be a Steubenville Ambassador?

Anyone with a love for Jesus and an openness to invite others to a Steubenville Conference is welcome to enroll as an Ambassador.

What is the deadline for applications?

The deadline to enroll as an Ambassador is one month before your upcoming conference.

What are the requirements?

There are no formal requirements to enroll. Successful Ambassadors are those who have a strong drive, excellent communication skills, and proficient organizational skills. We also have many tools and resources to help you if those are not your strengths!

How do I enroll?

Click “Learn More” and submit the form! A member of our team will reach out to you within a few days to share more information and orient you as an Ambassador!